Instituto tecnologico del embalaje, transporte y logistica
ITENE is a leading research centre that promotes the circular economy through solutions developed from a global perspective, from the development of raw materials to the final waste management. Founded in 1994, ITENE is located in Valencia and has more than 3,000 m2 of laboratories and pilot plants. With a team of more than 180 experienced professionals, it collaborates with companies through R&D projects (329 in 2018-2022), technical assistance (1,315 projects in the same period), testing services (3,021) and training.

Wagralim is a competitiveness cluster that accelerates the growth of companies active in the agri-food industry in Wallonia. It brings together economic and scientific players and training centres to achieve critical mass in its field.
Fields of application. The strategic axes of the cluster are :
Axis 1: Health and nutrition – concerns the design, development and evaluation of products or ingredients with a demonstrated health benefit and/or meeting a better nutritional quality.
Axis 2: Industrial efficiency – aims at improving manufacturing processes and food preservation methods, as well as organisational innovation by working on methods of industrial excellence (production, quality, safety and skills).
Axis 3: Development of sustainable agro-industrial chains – aims to make the best use of the production process and by-products, to increase added value, reduce costs or increase the sustainable and responsible nature of an activity.

Alma mater studiorum – universita di bologna
The Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FABIT) is a multidisciplinary department that offers research and teaching activities in different fields of pharmacy and biotechnology. FaBiT has labs equipped for several standard and “omics” analyses. FaBiT also provides training specifically in the fields of related to pharmaceutical, technological, chemical, biomedical, biotechnological, biological and molecular.

Agencia estatal consejo superior de investigaciones cientificas
The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is the largest public research institution in Spain and, the fourth in Europe. CSIC participates in TRIBIOME through the Research Unit “Microbiome, Nutrition and Health” at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), Centre of Excellence Severo Ochoa. The team investigates effects of microbiomes in food systems and human health and nutrition.

The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is a research organisation operating under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Luke’s task is to promote competitive business based on the sustainable use of renewable natural resources, as well as wellbeing and the vitality of the countryside.

Universidad de burgos
ICCRAM -International Research Centre in Critical Raw Materials for Advanced Industrial Technologies- was established in 2014 as an affiliated centre of the University of Burgos devoted to critical raw materials. University of Burgos (UBU) is a public university, founded in 1994, in Burgos, Spain. ICCRAM carries out different researching activities in five principal lines: Biotechnology, Sustainability, Toxicology, Design and materials modelling & Electrochemistry and energy storage. All of them are oriented towards the development of new advanced materials, including the synthesis of nanomaterials, computational simulation, nanosafety and nature-based solutions. Thus, this centre works within key areas at European level and collaborates with other departments of the university creating research synergies.

University of pretoria
The University of Pretoria is one of South Africa’s largest research universities with 9 faculties and 1 business school. The university has 120 academic departments and 72 research institutes and centres.

Rete semi rurali
Rete Semi Rurali is an Italian NGO, representing over 30 national and regional organisations promoting agrobiodiversity, participatory research and plant breeding in organic and agroecological farming systems.

Asociación agraria de jóvenes agricultores
Asaja Nacional is a Professional Agricultural Organisation that carries out its activities throughout Spain, with a presence before the institutions of the European Union, which acts in representation, management, defence and promotion of the interests of professionals in the agricultural sector. Among its main objectives is the defence of family farms and agricultural enterprises under any form of private initiative and their development as a viable and sustainable economic activity, seeking to improve the conditions of access of young people to the exercise of the activity, their training and professional training in general, as well as the defence of the competitiveness of the agricultural sector in Spain.

Valgenetics sociedad limitada
ValGenetics is a biotechnological company expert in research, development, innovation and commercialization of products and services aimed at the agricultural, agri-food and biotechnological sectors. ValGenetics concentrates its technical and commercial activities to offer quality, excellence and a high degree of specialization in analytical and bioassay tests in the scientific areas of phytopathological diagnosis, classical and molecular microbiology, plant genetics and physiology and bioinformatics as well as in vitro plant tissue culture.

Software imagination & vision srl
SOFTWARE IMAGINATION & VISION (SIMAVI) is a Romanian software company, built on an European model, with unique competence centers and internationally competitive specialists.

Particula Group is a research and technology company dedicated to the development of circular bioeconomy solutions. The company specializes in the integration of sustainable technological innovations into the business models and manufacturing process with the goal to develop high-end products with a positive environmental impact.

Grupo Fertiberia has more than 1,600 employees and 14 industrial activity centers spread throughout the Iberian Peninsula and France. The company’s vision is to lead the green hydrogen value chain of the future in Europe to decarbonize agriculture and other sectors such as industry or transport, as well as to continue leading the development of sustainable and high added value solutions for crop nutrition. It is also the first company in its sector to commit to achieving net zero emissions by 2035. The Group belongs to Triton Partners, which is driving its growth to make this Spanish company a leader in fertilization of the future, enabling farmers to obtain superior yields with maximum environmental sustainability.